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Immunohistochemical detection in a study of hypertension
EFFECTS OF ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS, PEROXISOME PROLIFERATORS ACTIVATED RECEPTOR - AND γ AGONISTS, AND STATINS ON A RAT MODEL OF HYPERTENSION by Eman Abdelzaher, Ibtesam AbdelReheem, Madiha Hassan, Aml Abd-Elhameed, Dalia Kamal in Bulletin of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Vol 46, No 3 (2010).
From the paper:
"Hypertension is a common and complex human disease that causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The role of endothelial dysfunction as an early event of pathophysiologic importance has been recently delineated. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important vasodilator and a potent regulator of inflammation, and mitogenesis. Therefore, inhibition of NO synthesis provided an interesting model of hypertension with specific cardiovascular alterations in which different events of the disease process could be traced...[I]mmunohistochemical detection ... was done by computerized image analysis.
The selected areas were subjected to further analysis using computerized image analysis software (Pixcavator). Binary images for measurement were generated and counting of positive immunostained cells was done in 10 non-overlapping high power fields for each section."