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SMART Tablet

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lecture with tablet
lecture with tablet
lecture with tablet

During my lectures, I write on the screen of a tablet PC with a digital pen and the writing instantly appears on the screen for the students to see.

I use SMART Tablet. This is a fairly large tablet connected to a Windows PC. Not like iPad at all.

In any way it's better than either chalkboard:

  • handwriting is in bright blue, with other colors used for emphasis;
  • I have a lot of colorful illustrations, copied as many times as necessary;
  • I can insert images, run programs (Excel), go to the internet;
  • I don’t have to deal with chalk on my shoes, pants, and lungs.

or PowerPoint:

  • No need to prepare the slides (illustrations and formulas!);
  • I can change the lecture plan at any time.

I found SMART Tablet quite reliable.

The software I use is Windows Journal.

In the end of the lecture, the file is immediately published in the pdf format to the class web page (as an example see Differential Equations -- Fall 2011).

Whenever possible, I edit the lectures to make them more readable. I use another tablet, HP Slate, for that. Later the lectures are transcribed into articles that you see on this site.