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A modern digital microscope produces an enormous number of images and the researcher needs a tool to extract information from this raw data. Pixcavator has been extensively used for image analysis of microscopic images. One immediate advantage of the topological approach in this area is that the analysis results are rotation independent.
A few image analysis examples of how Pixcavator has been used in microscopic image analysis:
- Cell counting
- Flow-through pore diameters
- Cellular structures
- Crystallites
- Cell metal segregation and ultramicroscopy
- Wall of a blood vessel
- Counting fixed and live red blood cells
- Corneas of rats
- Nanotechnology
- Micropallet Arrays
- Corneal endothelial cells of the human eye
- Measuring a needle
- Measuring micromechanical parameters of fiberglass
- Counting cones in a mouse's retina
- Membranes containing proteins
- Counting stained DNA
- Immunohistochemistry on lung biopsies
- Sub-pixel accuracy for distance measurement
Learn how to use Pixcavator!