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Extrema of functions of several variables

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Let's review how we handle extrema of functions of one variable, from Calc 1.

Let $y = f(x)$. To find the local maximum or minimum, proceed as follows:

  • compute $f'(x)$,
  • solve $f'(x)$ $= 0$ for $x$, (also find $x$'s for which $f'(x)$ does not exist)
  • these are the critical points of $f$.
  • some of these are maxima, some are minima, others are neither (in this case, they will be called "saddles").
  • second derivative test: classify the critical points based on the sign of $f' '(a)$. Note that it is possible that $a$ is a minimum and $f' '(a) = 0$. Example: $y = x^4 at a = 0$.
  • first derivative test: classify the critical points based on change of the sign of $f'(a)$

$$f'(x) > 0 {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt}} x < a {\rm \hspace{3pt} and \hspace{3pt}} f'(x) < 0 {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt}} x > a,$$

$$f'(x) < 0 {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt}} x < a {\rm \hspace{3pt} and \hspace{3pt}} f'(x) > 0 {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt}} x > a,$$

no change.

First second derivative test.jpg

In the $n$-dim case, the tangent lines are replaced with tangent planes, or, more precisely, tangent hyperplanes. Those are horizontal at the extreme points,

Tangent planes at critical points.jpg

Tangent plane of x3.jpg

Example. Consider $f(x,y) = x^3$.

Increasing-decreasing in dim 2.jpg

There are infinitely many directions to follow in the $d$-dim case, but the definition of extreme points is the same.

Definition. Point $a$ is called a global maximum of $f: {\bf R}^n {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$ if

$f(x) \leq f(a) {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt} all \hspace{3pt}} x {\in}$ $D(f)$.

Analogously, $a$ is called a global minimum of $f(x)$ if

$$f(x) \geq f(a) {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt} all \hspace{3pt}} x {\in} D(f).$$

Is it well defined?

Definition. Suppose $a$ is an interior point of $D(f)$. Then $a$ is a local maximum point of $z = f(x)$ if

$$f(x) \leq f(a)$$

for all $x$ in an open ball around $a$ (i.e. there is an $\epsilon > 0$ such that for $|| x - a || < ε$ follows that $f(x) \leq f(a))$.

Analogously we define a local minimum point. Extreme points are minima or maxima, both local and global.

Using the gradient

The gradient is used to find the extreme point of a function of several variable in a manner similar to the $1$ dim case.

Theorem (First derivative test). Suppose $a$ is a local extreme point of a differentiable function $f$. Then

  1. $f'(a) = 0,$
  2. ${\nabla}f(a) = 0,$
  3. $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_i (a) = 0$ for all $i = 1, ..., n$.

Exercise. Let $f( x_1, x_2 ) = x_1^2 + x_2^2$. Find the extrema.

Solve the equations:

$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_1 = 2x_1 = 0 \rightarrow x_1 = 0,$$

$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_2 = 2x_2 = 0 \rightarrow x_2 = 0.$$

Hence the point $( 0, 0 )$ is the only critical point of f (minimum).

Exercise. Let

$$g( x_1, x_2 ) = x_1^2 - x_2^2. $$

Then the calculation is the same as above, and we obtain $( 0, 0 )$ as the only critical point (saddle).

Trough - infinitely many critical points.jpg

Exercise. Let

$$f = ( x_1, x_2 ) = x_1^2.$$


$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_1 = 2x_1 = 0 \rightarrow x_1 = 0,$$

$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_2 = 0.$$

Hence the critical points are

$$\{ ( 0, x_2 ) : x_2 {\in} ℝ \},$$

which form a line.

Partial derivative at max.jpg

Proof of the theorem. Suppose the point $a$ is a maximum for $f: {\bf R}^n {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$. Suppose $a = ( a_1, ..., a_n )$.


$$f_1: {\bf R} {\rightarrow} {\bf R}, f_1(x) = f( x_1, a_2, ..., a_n ),$$

which is differentiable. Then $x = a_1$ is a max of $f_1$. Now, by the First Derivative Test from Calc 1, we have

$$f_1'( a_1 ) = 0.$$

This derivative is equal to the partial derivative:

$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_1 (a) = 0.$$

Continue with $f_k: {\bf R} {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$,

$$f_k(x) = f( a_1 ... a_{k-1} \times a_{k+1} ... a_n). $$

Then $f_k$ is differentiable, and $x = a_k$ is a maximum. Find

$$f'_k (a_k) = 0, $$


$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}_k (a) = 0.$$

Thus all partial derivatives of $f$ are equal to $0$. Hence the gradient is zero too:

${\nabla}f(a) = 0$ (a vector),


$f'(a) = 0$ (a linear map). QED

Exercise. Without using the First Derivative Test from from Calc. 1, show that the directional derivative is $0$,

${\nabla}_e f(a) = 0$ for all $e$.

The first derivative $f'(a)$ is a linear map for all $a$. In this sense $f'(a)(u)$ is a function in two variables, linear with respect to $u$.

The second derivative $f' '(a) = ( f'(a) )'$ is a quadratic map for all $a$. In this sense, $f' '(a)(u)$ is a function in two variables, $u$ quadratic.

Global extrema

Given $f: {\bf R} {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$. Find the global maximum / minimum with $x {\in} [ a, b ]$ (which is a constraint). First, does it always exist?

Non-existence of max.jpg

Example. (1) Let $f(x) = x^2$. The maximum on the interval $( 0, 1 )$ does not exist. Indeed by definition, a is a maximum point if

$$f(a) \geq f(x) {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt} all \hspace{3pt}} x {\in} ( 0, 1 ). $$

Now suppose there is such an $a {\in} ( 0, 1 )$, but we can always find another value $b$ such that $f(b) > f(a)$ (contradiction): Choose

$$b = a + \epsilon, {\rm \hspace{3pt} with \hspace{3pt}} \epsilon = \frac{1 - a}{2}$$


$$b = \frac{a + 1}{2}.$$

Now show that if $a < 1$, then $( a + 1 ) < 1$. Then show that $f( \frac{a + 1}{2} ) > f(a)$.

So, to guarantee the existence of the maximum we have to require that $x$ runs through $[ a, b ]$, i.e. a closed interval (with the end points included).

What if $x {\in} [ a, {\infty} )$? Suppose $a$ is a maximum, let $b = a + 1$. So, to guarantee the existence of the maximum we have to require $x {\in} [ a, b ]$, i.e. that the interval is bounded.

Exercise. What if $f$ is not continuous? Let $f: [ r, d ] {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$. By contradiction prove that there is no maximum:

$$f(a) < f( \frac{a + 1}{2} ).$$

From Calc 1,

Theorem. A continuous function $f: [ a, b ] {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$ attains its maximum or minimum on a closed bounded interval.


Theorem. A continuous function $f: Q {\rightarrow} {\bf R}, Q ⊂ {\bf R}^n$, attains its maximum or minimum on a closed bounded subset $Q ⊂ {\bf R}^n$.

Topology background

Bounded set.jpg

Definition. A subset $Q ⊂ {\bf R}^n$ of ${\bf R}^n$ is bounded if there is $M {\in} {\bf R}$ such that

$$|| x || \leq M {\rm \hspace{3pt} for \hspace{3pt} all \hspace{3pt}} x {\in} Q$$


$Q \subset$ $B( 0, M )$.

On an unbounded set, the value of $f$ might approach ${\infty}$. In this case, there is no maximum. If the endpoint of an interval is not included in $Q$ (constraint), $f {\rightarrow} {\infty}$, possibly, even if $f$ is continuous.

Open and closed sets.jpg

Definition. A subset $Q \subset {\bf R}^n$ of ${\bf R}^n$ is open if every point in $Q$ is an interior point.

Definition. A subset $Q \subset {\bf R}^n$ of ${\bf R}^n$ is closed if its complement is open.

For more see Open and closed sets.

Proposition. A closed ball

$$\{ x {\in} {\bf R}^n: || x || \leq R \}$$

is closed. Analogously, an open ball

$$\{ x {\in} ℝ^n: || x || < R \}$$

is open.

Boundary points.jpg

Definition. A point $a {\in} Q$ is a boundary point of $Q$ if every ball around a intersects both $Q$ and the complement of $Q$.

Proposition. If $Q$ is closed, then $Q$ contains all of its boundary points.

Theorem. A continuous function $f: Q {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$ attains its maximum or minimum values on a closed bounded subset of ${\bf R}^n$.

How to find extrema

Now we know when the existence of a global max.min is guaranteed, we can devise a plan:

Algorithm. Suppose f is differentiable.

  1. Find all critical points of $f$ via the equation $f'(a) = 0$,
  2. add the end points.
  3. Compare the values.

Exercise. Let $f: {\bf R}^2 {\rightarrow} {\bf R}$. Does it attain its minimum or maximum if $f( x, y ) = x^2 + y^2$?

Another exercise: Find the point of the graph nearest to $0$.

Review exercise. (a) Compute the derivative of $f: {\bf R}^n {\rightarrow} {\bf R}, f(x) = || x ||$, at $a \neq 0$,

(b) Compute the derivative of $h: {\bf R}^n {\rightarrow} {\bf R}, h(x) = sin || x ||$, at $a \neq 0$ (hint: use part (a)).