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College Algebra -- Fall 2013
MTH 130 College Algebra. 3 hrs. Polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Graphs, systems of equations and inequalities, sequences. (PR: Math ACT 21 or above)
- Time and Place: 6:30 - 9:00 pm Thursday at 516 Smith Hall.
- Instructor: Peter Saveliev (call me Peter)
- Office: 325 Smith Hall
- Office Hours: WF 1:30-2:30 and MW 4:00-5:00, or by appointment
- Office Phone: x4639
- E-mail:
- Class Web-Page:
- Prerequisites: solid algebra skills, some knowledge of Cartesian coordinates, familiarity with basic functions
- Texts: College Algebra by Sullivan
- Computer Restrictions: graphic calculator TI-83 or TI-83+
- Goals: understanding functions, plus good familiarity with major classes of functions, graphing, solving equations -- getting ready for calculus
- Quizzes: taken from the exercise sets, open book
- Homework: online via Webwork
- Grade Breakdown: TOTAL = .05×A + .25×Q + .30×HW + .40×F
- attendance and participation: 5%
- quizzes: 25%
- homework: 30%
- final exam: 40%
- Letter Grades: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: <60
See also Course policy.
Mathematics Tutor Lab: Smith Music 115
They will appear exactly as you see them in class and, as the course progresses, will be updated weekly.
Updated regularly...
- week 1, 8/29: First HW called Review_set is due Wednesday 9/4 at midnight.
Review Chapter
R.1 Real Numbers
R.2 Algebra Essentials
R.3 Geometry Essentials
R.4 Polynomials
R.5 Factoring Polynomials
R.7 Rational Expressions
R.8 nth Roots; Rational Exponents
- week 2, 9/5: Second HW called Sections1.1-1.2 is due Wednesday 9/11 at midnight.
Chapter 1. Equations and Inequalities
1.1 Linear Equations
1.2 Quadratic Equations
1.3 [Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations in the Complex Number System]
1.4 Radical Equations; [Equations Quadratic in Form; Factorable Equations]
1.5 Solving Inequalities
1.6 Equations [and Inequalities] Involving Absolute Value
1.7 Problem Solving: Interest, Mixture, [Uniform Motion, and Constant Rate Job Applications]
- week 3, 9/12: Third HW called Sections1.4-1.5-1.6 is due Wednesday 9/17 at midnight.
Chapter 2. Graphs
2.1 The Distance [and Midpoint] Formulas
2.2 Graphs of Equations in Two Variables; Intercepts; Symmetry
2.3 Lines
2.4 Circles
- week 4, 9/19: Fourth HW called Sections1.7-2.1-4 is due Wednesday 9/24 at midnight.
Chapter 3. Functions and Their Graphs
3.1 Functions
- week 5, 9/26: Fifth HW called Sections3.1-3.2 is due Wednesday 10/2 at midnight.
3.2 The Graph of a Function
- week 6, 10/3: Sixth HW called Sections3.2-3.3 is due Wednesday 10/9 at midnight.
3.3 Properties of Functions
3.4 Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions
- week 7, 10/10: Seventh HW called Sections3.4-3.5 is due Wednesday 10/16 at midnight.
3.5 Graphing Techniques: Transformations
3.6 Mathematical Models: Building Functions
Chapter 4. Linear and Quadratic Functions
4.1 Linear Functions and Their Properties
4.2 Building Linear Functions from Data
- week 8, 10/17: Eighth HW called Sections3.5-4.2 is due Wednesday 10/23 at midnight.
4.3 Quadratic Functions and Their Properties
4.4 Quadratic Models; Building Quadratic Functions from Data
Chapter 5. Polynomial and Rational Functions
5.1 Polynomial Functions and Models (through the middle of page 330)
- week 9, 10/24: Ninth HW called Sections4.3-5.2 is due Wednesday 10/30 at midnight.
5.2 Properties of Rational Functions
5.3 The Graph of a Rational Function
5.5 The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function (pages 374-377)
- week 10, 10/31: Tenth HW called Sections5.2-6.1 is due Wednesday 11/6 at midnight.
6.1 Composite Functions
- week 11, 11/7: Eleventh HW called Sections6.1-6.2 is due Wednesday 11/13 at midnight.
Chapter 6. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
6.2 One-to-One Functions; Inverse Functions
- week 12, 11/14: Twelfth HW called Sections6.2-6.3 is due Wednesday 11/20 at midnight.
6.3 Exponential Functions
6.4 Logarithmic Functions
6.5 Properties of Logarithms
- week 13, 11/21: Thirteenth HW called Sections6.3-6.6 is due Wednesday 5/4 at midnight.
6.6 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations (through solving logarithmic eqs. Top of page 461)
6.8 Exponential Growth and Decay Models; Newton's Law; Logistic Growth and Decay Models
- week 14, 12/5: Fourteenth HW called Sections6.6-8.1 is given for practice only.
6.9 Building Exponential, Logarithmic, and Logistic Functions from Data
8.1 Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution and Elimination
College Algebra -- Fall 2013 -- final exam, Thursday, December 12, 6:30-8:30 pm, same place.
All homework from 2013: Math130-HW.
Consider these old exams:
- Final exam 2011
- test 1: 2008
- test 2: 2005 2008
- test 3: 2005