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Measuring a needle

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This image analysis example came from a medical equipment company: "What I am trying to do is image analysis of X-rays of our needles ... The length and location are what is measured. ... From the two jpg images you can see what we are trying to measure. The end of the TC junction to the opening of the needle bevel is the location. One idea is the measure from the end of the junction to the tip of the needle. We might have stable enough needles where the bevel opening to tip are about the same; therefore could subtract a constant with a know tolerance due to the measurement method."

Needle1.jpg Needle2.jpg Needle3.jpg

The screenshots explain how the dimensions of the three main features in the images can be found with Pixcavator. These parts of the needle are captured under three different settings. The result is the red contours drawn on the image. Their dimensions - the average thickness and length - are circled in the table on the right. Then, finding the measurements you need is just a matter of subtraction. Even though this is not a complete study, the results do suggest that the goal is feasible.

Needle screenshot 1.jpg

Needle screenshot 2.jpg

Needle screenshot 3.jpg

Run this analysis with Pixcavator SI.

Other image analysis examples