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Control of electron transport

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A paper that uses Pixcavator:

Electron mirroring: control of electron transport and understanding of physical processes from SEM images [1] by Marziale Milani, Davide Bigoni, Claudio Savoia (University Milano Bicocca, Italy, Department of Material Science, University of Trento, Italy, Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering) in Proceedings of ITP2009 Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena VI: Fluid, Thermal, Biological, Materials and Space Sciences October 4-9, 2009, Volterra, Italy.

From the paper:

"Mirror effects occur when a primary electron beam scans an insulating sample and the charges on its surface accumulate to a high density. When the energy of the electrical field becomes higher than the primary beam one it prevents the charged particles from reaching the sample surface, reflecting them somewhere else in the vacuum chamber whose walls act as a mirror. The inner part of the specimen chamber can be therefore imaged."

"Video signals were then analyzed as a function of detector bias voltage, i.e. variations in the mirror images due to variations of these parameters have been compared by acquiring (by “Pixcavator” software) the grey levels in selected portion of images and the geometrical shapes of some easily recognizable element in the mirror images."

Mirror images of polyester sample:

Mirror images of polyester sample.jpg Mirror images of polyester sample 2.jpg

Other examples of image analysis