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Latest revision as of 16:47, 20 February 2011

Maggie Chenoweth - HON 396


My project, entitled “Java Based Robotic Vision,” will focus on using LEGO robotics to simulate real-life situations. By the completion of my project, I hope to formulate a set of lesson plans that could be used to supplement mathematics and science lessons.

Throughout the course of my project, I will concentrate on robots with light sensors to simulate computer vision. I will create several tasks that range in difficulty. Sample tasks might include counting how many objects pass by, interpreting colors based on numerical values, and following lines. There is also a way to collect the data so that it can be relayed back to the computer and interpreted using graphs. This is known as data logging. I will be using it to interpret the data and work on finding the length and slope of lines. I will also be able to test and prove my results using Mathematica.

I will first create the programs in RoboLab, which enables students to program their robots using drag-and-drop icons. The program can then be sent to the RCX (a small, programmable LEGO computer) by way of an IR. (An IR is an infrared transmitter.) After creating a small robot and programming it using RoboLab to complete different tasks, I will then work on writing the programs in Java. By using Java, I will be able to see and explain the exact way that the robots can be programmed using a formal computer language.

Progress Report: 9/17/07

During the past seven days, I have been working on acquiring and loading the software and applications needed for my project. I have also built a robot that I may change as my ideas and lesson modules progress. After loading the firmware onto the RCX so that it can receive a program from my computer, I proceeded to develop a program using RoboLab so that the robot would go forward until it reaches a surface that is darker. I programmed motors A and C to go forward until the light sensor reaches a value that is five units less than the original starting value. In the lighting of the room that I was programming the robot, a white piece of paper returned the value of 49, and a black piece of paper returned a value of 38. When I present this project to the class, the room may be lighter or darker, but with a five percent difference on the light values, this should not hinder the program from executing properly.

I have also been working on a Java program that will be able to check and see if the IR is in range of the RCX. I need for this program to work properly before I can create a Java program to perform the same task that I designed using RoboLab. Hopefully for my next presentation, I will be able to run the same program that will be programmed using Java.