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The behaviour of double oxide film defects in liquid Al alloys

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A research paper that uses Pixcavator:

The behaviour of double oxide film defects in liquid Al alloys under atmospheric and reduced pressures by R. Raiszadeh, and W.D. Griffiths (Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, School of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran; School of Metallurgy and Materials, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom), published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 491, Issues 1-2, 18 February 2010, Pages 575-580.

From the paper:

"...aimed at determining any resulting changes in the number and morphology of oxide film defects, and any changes in their effect on the mechanical properties of the solidified castings. Cross-sections of three tensile test samples ... were also examined by optical microscopy... Porosity parameters, namely, the pore number density (i.e., number of pores per unit area of the examined cross-section), % porosity content (per cent of the cross section occupied by pores), and mean pore roundness..., were estimated using Pixcavator IA 3.3 image analysis software on optical microscopy images taken with a magnification of 50x..."

Also by the same authors: The Effect of Holding Liquid Aluminum Alloys on Oxide Film Content in The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International, 2010

See other examples of image analysis.